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Sabine Volceka

Sabine Volceka.

Junior Software Tester

There’s a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.

Leonard Cohen

A Junior software tester who has transitioned from a hardware technician background to software testing after completing an intensive QA automation course. Sabine’s keen sense of observation helps in noticing the tiniest issues that might affect quality - it’s all about the details!

Sabine strongly believes that trust and communication are essential components of a successful project, because a team is not just a group of people working together, but a group of people who trust each other.

Sabine's favourite city in the world is...
Ludza - her hometown - a quiet and rural place with its charming cobblestone streets surrounded by lakes and forests.


QA testing, Python, Selenium, JavaScript, Appium


books, nature and marzipan